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About The Breeder


Carmen Vosloo, owner and founder of Teeny Tiny Pigs has always been considered a bit of an “animal nut”. Upon seeing a feature on the Discovery Channel, and already with a pack of pooches in tow, Carmen fell in love with, and decided to adopt her very own baby teacup pig.


Unfortunately for Carmen, the allure of Discovery Channel programming had misled her into believing being able to get one of her own would be easy. Her search, seemingly endless, always seemed to conclude the same way: In discussions with like-minded enthusiasts disappointed by scams and lies. And then it happened.


“Eventually, I saw an ad online for a miniature teacup pig and after following up I felt sure I had found what I was looking for. At long last, I had secured our new family member – Duke.”


What followed was almost serendipitous in nature. As more and more friends, family members, even complete strangers asked Carmen where they, too, could secure their own miniature bundle of Heaven, Carmen realised exactly where her life was headed.


"I adore these animals and regard them higher than 99% of the people I have met. They are the most affectionate, intelligent and original pets I have ever had. They crawl into a little part of your heart and bury their little selves so deeply that, for me, a life without a pig would simply be unimaginable!"


True and rare passion sparked this Somerset-raised, Wildlife Management-trained pig fanatic to help other loving families avoid the pitfalls of attempting to adopt a teacup piglet of their own, and Teeny Tiny Pigs was born.


"I was shocked by the number of scams or breeders who inbreed to reduce size" says Carmen. "I decided to start a small breeding project to prove that breeding healthy, small miniature pigs was possible"


The fact is that teacups are a niche market in South Africa, greatly underserved by reputable breeders and flooded with scams and con artists, and the average individual hoping to secure their own teacup baby usually falls prey to this fact. Yet, as unfortunate as this situation may be for honest, loving people, this was most likely the catalyst which brought Carmen such near-instant renown for her company. A featured segment on the popular lifestyle show, Pasella, has been the latest boost to her business success.


Yet, besides a booming business, Carmen retreats to her true love – her pigs. Her aim is to continue to breed them to be smaller, while maintaining all of their incredible resilience and hardiness.


"It’s phenomenal! We’ve already reduced their size compared to pigs bred in my first year. I cannot wait to see what the next 20+ years will bring!"


Carmen intends to continue to raise her family of teacups, helping other loving homes attain the same joy the little critters have brought her. And it’s clear to see the South African market could not be more ready.


Teeny Tiny Pigs, founded in 2009 by Carmen Vosloo, is proud to serve as a reputable breeder of teacup pigs in South Africa.


Click here for customer testimonials.

Photo by talseN

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